The Jefferson park and recreation department is planning a circus (sort of) and a rodeo (sort of).
JPRD will once again send a bus to the Shrine Circus Saturday, March 25. Persons of all ages are invited. Shriners are providing free tickets for everyone on the bus and the bus is free to ride.
The bus will depart from the Community Center at 12:30 pm. Children in fifth grade or younger must be chaperoned by an adult. Pre-registration is required as the trip is limited to 60 persons.

Rowdy Rodeo Wranglers will have their jamboree Saturday, March 25, from 9 to 10 am at the Community Center. Children ages 3-6 are invited to come make the acquaintance of a stick pony and then “compete” in modified rodeo events like barrel racing and calf roping.
The ponies go home with their new owners when the fun is finished. A $15 charge covers expenses.
For more information or to register for programs, contact the Greene County Community Center, 204 W. Harrison, at 515-386-3412 or email Registration forms are available on the JPRD page on the city’s website.